Ci-dessous, vous pourrez voir, en photos, ce progrès dont je parle.
Elle continue de prendre les nouveaux médicaments et à part de ça - vit normalement.
Nous serons de retour à l'IWK en février pour vérifier les yeux de Manon et Maxime. Nous n'avons pas de dates pour l'examination cardiaque... nous espérons encore rencontrer l'équipe de l'IWK à Yarmouth au printemps.
Manon likes answering the phone, she's occasionally using her potty, and has been saying quite a few new words. We continue to be very pleased with her progress. Sometimes she's quite funny : changing her name to "Football" or "P'tite fille".
Below, in pictures, it's easy to see the proof of this progress
She is still taking her latest meds, but a part from that, she is living the normal life of a toddler.
We will revisit the IWK in February to check on Maxime and Manon's eyes. We have yet to hear anything from the Heart Centre, but we are still hoping to meet with the team from the IWK when they visit Yarmouth in the spring.
June 2007
janvier 2009
January 2009