Aujourd'hui, nous avons célébré le deuxième anniversaire des jumeaux. Quelques minutes après que Family Guy a commencé, le dimanche 20 mai 2007, j'ai appuyé le bouton à côté du lit et j'ai dit :"There's blood". Quinze minutes plus tard, Manon et Maxime sont venus au monde.
Mais, depuis ce temps, le progrès des bébés est encourageant. Maxime n'a pas pris longtemps à se remettre sur pied et Manon continue de surprendre, malgré sa condition.
La semaine dernière, notre cardiologue de l'IWK est venu à Yarmouth avec son équipe. Avant la visite, Manon paraissait très contente d'y aller, mais cela n'a lui a pas empêché de pleurer pendant la plupart du rendez-vous. En sortant, elle a dit : "Yay... c'est fini ".
Le cardiologue était très satisfait du progrès de Manon. Selon lui, il ne faudra pas retourner au Heart Centre avant le printemps de l'année prochaine ! À ce temps, ils pourront la sonder et évaluer sa situation cardiaque.
Le cardiologue prévoit que la troisième opération aura lieu en automne 2010. Même que toute l'équipe est ravie des succès de Manon, les chirugiens agissent parfois lorsque l'enfant est en bonne condition - ce qui mène à de bons résulats. La procédure se nomme la Fontan et elle suit presque toujours la Glenn (qui est très semblable à l'opération d'octobre 2008).
Mais, ce soir, il n'est pas le temps de décrire la Fontan ou de revisiter la Kawashima... C'est plutôt le temps de se coucher, car un de nos trois enfants en bonne santé va nous réveiller avant minuit.
Today, we celebrated the twins' second birthday. A few minutes after Family Guy started on Sunday, May 20 2007, I pressed the button next to the bed and said, "There's blood". Fifteen minutes later, Manon et Maxime were born.
Since then, both babies have continued to grow. Maxime didn't take long to get on track and Manon continues to surprise despite her condition.
Since then, both babies have continued to grow. Maxime didn't take long to get on track and Manon continues to surprise despite her condition.
Last week, our cardiologist from the IWK came to Yarmouth with his team. Leading up to the visit, Manon seemed more than happy to cooperate, but that didn't stop her from crying during most of her visit. On the way to the car, she said, "Yay... c'est fini ".
The cardiologist was very satisfied with Manon's progress. He feels she only has to return to the Heart Centre in the spring of next year ! At that time, they will check out her heart and assess her status.
The cardiologist was very satisfied with Manon's progress. He feels she only has to return to the Heart Centre in the spring of next year ! At that time, they will check out her heart and assess her status.
The cardiologist believes that Manon's next operation should take place in the fall of 2010. Even though the entire team is encouraged by Manon's outlook, sometimes surgeons prefer going forward when the patient is healthy to increase the success rate. The procedure is called the Fontan and it often follows the Glenn (a similar procedure to the one Manon had in October 2008).
Tonight is not the time to describe the Fontan or to revisit the Kawashima... It is time for bed, because one of our three healthy children will wake us up by midnight.
Tonight is not the time to describe the Fontan or to revisit the Kawashima... It is time for bed, because one of our three healthy children will wake us up by midnight.