jeudi 2 octobre 2008

Manon 2 - cardiac condition 0

Manon continue de surprendre ! À 13h00 elle utilisait déjà son coeur pour pomper son sang. Nous avons eu la chance de la visiter vers 15h30 et elle est bien plus avancée par rapport à ce à quoi nous nous attendions.

En effet, la chirurgienne a dit (et je cite) : "I'm ecstatic." Il va sans dire que nous avons apprecié à la fois ses paroles encourageantes et son excellent travail.

Les prochains quelques jours auront beaucoup à dire quant à son progres, mais nous étions contents de recevoir de bonnes nouvelles.

Je vous écris de la PICU. La raison qu'ils nous ont demandé de venir : Manon respire déjà par elle-même ! Bye bye tube. Nous avions été averti qu'elle aurait ce tube pendant jusqu'à 4 jours. Mais nous voilà - à peine 4 heures après l'opération.

Il faut procéder avec soin. Tout n'est pas assuré. Ce qui est assuré est que la première grande étape a été un succès. Espérons que ça continue.

Ajout : le cardiologue vient de passer... le même mot : ecstatic.

Manon is full of surprises ! At 1:00 pm she was already using her own heart (as opposed to the bypass machine) to pump blood to her body. We got to see her around 3:30 pm and she is progressing faster than anticipated.

In fact, the surgeon said (and I quote) : "I'm ecstatic." It goes without saying that we appreciated both her encouraging words and her ridiculously great work.

The next few days will have a lot to say about her outlook... but good news is always welcome.

I am writing from the PICU. Here's the reason : Manon's breathing on her own ! Bye bye tube. We had been warned she would have the tube in for approximately 4 days. But here we are - barely 4 hours after surgery.

It is still important to be cautious. There are still no certainties. What we do know is that the first major obstacle has come and gone... let's hope things continue to go our way.

Update : the cardiologist just dropped by ("I figured you'd be standing here," he smiled) - same word : ecstatic.

1 commentaire:

NICU BFF a dit…

So wonderful to hear things went well today and that your Manon is doing so well. While I know Manon has healing and recovery yet to complete you must be more pleased than you had expected to be at this point. My prayers have been with you and I give Thanks for this day for all of you.

Sorry I did not connect today while in the hospital but will be in touch Sat/Sun nights...come knock on the NICU door!

See you soon. Take good care,