samedi 4 octobre 2008

Manon fun facts

*Avant Manon, notre chirurgienne n'avait jamais fait la Kawashima. C'était plus ou moins comme ça que notre conversation est allé mercredi :
-So, how often do you do the Kawashima ?
(pas de réponse)
-Like, in the last 10 years how many did you do ?
-This will be the first in my practice. She's our big Kawashima.

*L'infirmière qui travaillait aujourd'hui se rappelait de Manon... c'était la plus petite patiente (3 lbs 6 oz) de sa carrière d'une vingtaine d'années.

*Le point tournant qui nous a montré qu'il était temps de sortir de la PICU est lorsque notre infirmière a dit à ses collègues : "Look, my patient's standing on her head !" Manon avait décidé que se mettre dans la position d'un "V" à l'envers serait amusant. Elle avait raison.

*Before Manon, our surgeon had never done the Kawashima. This is how our conversation went Wednesday :
-So, how often do you do the Kawashima ?
(no reply)
-Like, in the last 10 years how many did you do ?
This will be the first in my practice. She's our big Kawashima.

*Today's nurse remembered Manon from last year... she is the smallest patient (3 lbs 6 oz) of her 20 year career.

*Today's turning point that tipped us off that it was time to leave the PICU was when our nurse turned to her co-workers and said : "Look, my patient's standing on her head !" Manon thought that it might be funny to assume the position of an upside-down "V". She was right, it was.

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